Play Webtv Compatible Game

HtmlOthello ©1997-98 Streetmedia

Instructions for Play:
The boardgame Othello (Reversi) is easy to play, and "difficult to master." The board is a set of squares with chips of two colors, black and white. Each player in turn places one of their chips on the board, adjacent to an opponent's chip so as to "capture" the opponent's line of chips between one of their own already on the board and the new one. When the chip is placed, all of the opponent's chips in between are "turned over" (i.e. turned to the current player's color), so that the current player now owns the entire line of chips.
This play continues until the board is completely full of chips. In HtmlOthello™, we sometimes make some of the squares on the board "illegal", or blocked, to speed up the game and make it more challenging. Illegal squares will be marked with an "X". Otherwise, the game plays exactly like the boardgame itself.